Feverfew Rag Rug by Debbie Siniska


A felt making workshop in progress!

Rag Rug Workshops

Turning old fabrics into colourful functional hard wearing rugs is a great way to recycle.

These one day workshops cover all of the basic skills you will need to make your own piece of original work.

Each workshop covers traditional ‘proggy’ and ‘hooky’ with variations and discussion on other hand tools and materials.

I will run a pop up workshop if you have a venue.. 


HEN PARTIES  get creative and have a laugh! A great way to celebrate with your girlfriends, you can make a beautiful keepsake corsage or finely stitched little heart,  as a reminder of a memorable time. As an afternoon workshop - all materials tools and equipment will be provided. email Debbie on info@debbiesiniska.co.uk for more details.


Feltmaking Workshops

Felt is a wondrous fabric, with no warp and no weft. Learn to blend beautifully coloured fleece fibres, and work these around a template to create three dimensional articles like hats or bags, or work your own design onto flat felt.  Ocasionally dry needle felting will be taught using barbed felting needles

Check out forthcoming workshop dates on the events page.

 I will run a pop up workshop for you and your friends if you have a venue.. 

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